At Sterling Benefits, we are proactively working with multiple resources to dissect the various facets of the law and to understand the guidelines and timelines it presents to our clients. You can expect that we will provide ongoing communications and information as interpretation and implementation details continue to unfold from the government.

Our priority at Sterling Benefits is to stay focused on delivering value and quality customer service to our customers as we work together with health care reform. Significant changes will take place in 2014. In the meantime, there are some items that will require attention much sooner. We will keep you posted as details and clarifications from the government are made available. We encourage you to review this information and utilize our office as a resource in addressing questions and concerns.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Small Business Tax Credit IRS Guidance Released

The Internal Revenue Service issued new guidance on May 17, 2010 to make it easier for small businesses to determine whether they are eligible for the new health care tax credit under the Affordable Care Act and how large a credit they will receive. The guidance makes clear that small businesses receiving state health care tax credits may still qualify for the full federal tax credit. Additionally, the guidance allows small businesses to receive the credit not only for regular health insurance but also for add-on dental and vision coverage.

Attached is an overview of the Small Business Tax Credit IRS Guidance.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Health Care Reform FAQ's

As a follow-up to our post on 4/16/10 regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), attached are some Frequently Asked Questions that we've been hearing about employee concerns, COBRA, employer responsibilities, and the Small Business Tax Credit. 

INTRODUCING...Our new resource website on Health Care Reform -

We’ll continue to send out updates as they become available, but we encourage you to review the information and utilize our website and office as a resource in addressing questions and concerns. The website includes Sterling publications, hot topics, resource links, highlights, timelines and calendars. Please feel free to share this website and invite people to sign up for electronic Reform updates!

As always, we appreciate the opportunity to be of service.