- Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)
- Medical plans
- Prescription drug plans
- Self-insured dental or vision plans, if provided without a separate election or premium charge
- Retiree only health plans (even though some are exempt from other PPACA mandates)
The fee will apply to plans that end after October 1, 2012 and before October 1, 2019. The fee is $2.00 ($1.00 for plan years ending before October 1, 2013) multiplied by the average number of lives covered under the plan/policy. For most insurers and self-insured health plan sponsors, the first payment of the fee will be due July 31, 2013. You are responsible to handle the filing and payment of the fees...not the TPA.
- Actual Count Method: The sum of lives covered for each day of the plan year, divided by the number of days in the plan year
- Snapshot Method: In general, the sum of the total of lives covered on a date during the first, second or third month of each quarter of the plan year divided by the number of dates on which a count was made
- Form 5500 Method: The number of participants, reported on the Form 5500 (the number of participants covered on the HRA plan on the first day of the plan year)
Additional PCORI References