At Sterling Benefits, we are proactively working with multiple resources to dissect the various facets of the law and to understand the guidelines and timelines it presents to our clients. You can expect that we will provide ongoing communications and information as interpretation and implementation details continue to unfold from the government.

Our priority at Sterling Benefits is to stay focused on delivering value and quality customer service to our customers as we work together with health care reform. Significant changes will take place in 2014. In the meantime, there are some items that will require attention much sooner. We will keep you posted as details and clarifications from the government are made available. We encourage you to review this information and utilize our office as a resource in addressing questions and concerns.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Health Insurance Exchange Notices Deadline 10/1/2013

As a reminder …
Notices about the health insurance exchanges have to be given to current workers no later than Oct. 1, 2013. Starting Oct. 1, the notices have to be given to new workers on the day they are hired.  
The notices must:
  1. tell workers about exchanges, including a description of the services provided and how they can contact exchanges;
  2. let workers know they may be eligible for a premium tax credit if the employer plan’s does not cover at least 60% of the total allowed cost of benefits, and the worker buys a qualified health plan through an exchange;
  3. explain that if the worker buys a qualified health plan through an exchange, he or she may lose the employer contribution (if any) to any health benefit plan the employer offers, and that all or part of the contribution may be excluded from income for federal tax purposes.
The notices (Exchange Model Notices (For Employers who offer a health plan and Employers who do not offer a health plan) and the Revised Model COBRA Election Notice), along with further guidance, can be found at Please review the attached Health Care Reform Hot Topic for more information on the Model Notices Explanation.